Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here and there...

We have been enjoying our time being able to go outside and play with such GREAT weather this Spring! I love ride my bikes and go for walks whenever I get a chance! Brylee did finally go in for tubes 3 weeks ago and did GREAT! She has been ear infection free ever since, which is a tremendous improvement! She didn't do very well waking up for the anesthesia but once she was home and took a nap, she was back to her old self...but with a little more sass! We had Mallory and Ryker over to our house to bbq and play 2 weeks ago. It is always so much fun to play with them! Last weekend we headed to Ryan and Courtney's house to see Alex and his baby sister Samantha. There were 10 kids at their house ages 4 an under! It was a little crazy but a GREAT time! Brylee is doing a lot more shouldn't be much longer and we think she will be running after me! I hope everyone is having a great spring and enjoying the weather as much as we are!
If high is good...
Higher is better!
Mac and Cheese anyone?
Ready for tubes!
Mallory and Ryker
10 months!
Taking steps!
Ouch! Crash and burn!
Our girls!

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