Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mayhew Family Christmas

We headed to Branson after Christmas to celebrate with the Mayhew side. We had a lot of fun hanging out and had a great Christmas with everyone. The grown ups even had a silly ugly sweater Christmas...they were pretty funny to look at! It snowed a little on Friday and we went out to try to catch some snowflakes! Since it was so cold, we had to find some things inside to do, so on Saturday, we all headed to the bowling alley! It was a lot of fun and Brylee and I loved it! The weather wasn't looking the best for traveling on New Years Day, so we left a day early and ended up driving home most of the way in a snow, rain, ice storm...so we celebrated New Years by going to bed at our normal times! We were all wore out from a busy visit to the cabin!

Santa Came!

We could hardly wait to see what Santa brought us! We must have been pretty good girls this year because we got so much great stuff! Santa must have really been listening when we were telling him what we wanted! We had so ugh fun opening all of our presents and spending the day together as a family playing with everything!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve day in Nebraska visiting Great Grandpa and Gigi. Grammy, B-pa, Brent, Cortney, Cooper, and Ella were also there! It was a great visit with a yummy lunch, play time, church, dinner, and then a quite drive home to prepare for Santa!

Good Family Christmas

Grandma and Grandpa Good came down the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with us! We had a great time going out to eat, opening presents, playing, going to the Plaza, and spending time together. We both got a lot of great gifts and were so excited to get into the Christmas spirit!


We had a busy month! We went to Branson and went to Silver Dollar City with Grammy, B-pa, Brent, Cortney, Cooper, and Ella. It was a good weekend and the weather stayed pretty warm for our walk around the park. I rode the tea cup ride with Ella and B-pa but that is about as daring as I get. I am not a fan of rides at all! We rode the train which was by far everyone's favorite part of the trip! We also went out to eat with Ryan, Courtney, Alex, and Sam to Stix! It was a hibachi grill and it was so much fun! None of the kids at the table thought that it was very fun at the beginning when the grill is started on fire for a few seconds, but after that we were good to go! I even tried to catch a shrimp in my mouth! I love getting together with Alex, we always have such a great time! We also had our first snow right before Christmas too! It was freezing cold outside but Brylee and I had to get out in it for awhile! We had a great time playing!