Monday, June 18, 2012

Brylee is 1!

Miss Brylee turned one last Wednesday!! We cannot believe that it has already been a year since we met our sweet, sassy, fun loving little red head. She had her doctor appointment and weighs 19 lbs and is in the 26th percentile for weight and the 60th for height. She has shot up 2 inches in the last 3 months but has become a little bit of a string bean!! She is very very active and running all over the place chasing her sister and always trying to keep up with her. We had her party of Saturday and she had a blast! We did her smash cake pictures on Tuesday and the ones that we have seen so far are priceless! She LOVED making a mess of the cake and totally demolished it! When it came time to her smash cake at the party she wasn't to interested, but still tried the icing. Thank you to everyone that was able to help us celebrate a very special one year old!

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